Sunday, September 27, 2015

Learn free Civil Engineering by Civilustaad about EPOXY-COATED REBAR (ECR)

Epoxy coatings on rebar are designed to perform as a physical barrier,
separating the steel from the three primary elements needed for corrosion to occur—oxygen, moisture, and chloride ions. The coating too serves as an electrical insulator for the steel and minimizes the flow of corrosion current. 

Although bars completely coated with epoxy won’t rust, their act depends on the quality and integrity of the coating.

When coating defects, called holidays, and harm occur, corrosion resistance decreases. 

 Most damage, such as chips, scraps, and mashed areas, occurs through rebar transportation, handling and placing, and when fresh concrete forcibly strikes the bars. 

 As with black or uncoated rebar, ECR performance also depends on the extent of concrete cracking, depth of concrete cover, and chloride concentration levels. 

Coupling coating defects and damage with ruthless exposure conditions can lead to early corrosion and poor ECR performance.

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