Saturday, August 15, 2015

Info about CRITICAL PATH METHOD with examples.


Project manager and stakeholders are capable to identify responsibilities which are critical, i.e. if delayed will cause overall project delay, or on the opposing has the likely of reduction project implementation time. Ability to recognize these tasks will permit project manager and stakeholders to develop strategies during project implementation in order to attain effectiveness and efficiency. 

B. Usage

This tool is very helpful in project implementation and monitoring period, particularly during project progress evaluation
•Identify critical activities and path. Critical activity is the activity which has zero or less than zero (minus) slack/float. It means that if project wants to complete on time, as much as likely avoid delays on critical activities since this will cause delays on the overall project duration.

Critical path is the pathway of decisive activities, i.e. activity which has slack/float 0 or less than 0. In this instance, the critical path is Activity 1, Activity 2 and Activity 5. Delay ought to be avoided in these activities, since it will cause delay in overall project completion. Activities 3 and 4 are more flexible; however project stakeholder should pay consideration to the latest finish of these activities to avoid pressure to next critical activity, Activity 5.

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